Inicio Foros ¿Cómo es la vida de un inmigrante en Canadá? para estudiar Frances en Montreal

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  • #200562
    Invitado MQI

    Por mas frances que hables en quebec siempre te van a discriminar diciendo que tu frances no sirve, si no hablas como ellos y te sienten acento extranjero ahi mismo te hacen la vida imposible,… es la realidad….

    Hans escribió:
    > Vivi es tu decisión pero en mi caso el aprendizaje de
    > frances fue mucho mas efectivo y les estoy muy agradecidos
    > por su aporte a la alianza francesa de Chacaito, sobre los
    > grupos eramos grupos de maximo 8 personas profesores muy
    > calificados que sin regirse por un libro o una receta de
    > cocina, logran con sesiones de conversacion e inmersión en el
    > idioma sin salir de Caracas que tu tengas una correcta
    > dicción al hablar. El hecho de que llegues a Montreal con una
    > excelente dicción y vocabulario es una carta al triunfo aqui
    > pues visto de que el dialecto que se habla en Quebec, no se
    > asemeja sino unicamente en su raiz y en algunas palabras pero
    > la fonetica, pronunciacion y hasta frases, expresiones y
    > palabras difieren del Frances de Francia en un 100%, de
    > esta forma podras acceder a mejores empleos y recursos de
    > alto nivel, pues tu forma y conocimiento de hablar el idioma
    > te ayudaran grandemente.
    > Ese es mi consejo espero te aporte.
    > Hans


    Mira ignorante, es suficiente que compres cualquier aparato electrónico y que veas las instrucciones para que te puedas dar cuenta que el Francés es muy importante económicamente hablando, incluso mucho mas que el Español y si quieres saber un poco mas sobre la importancia del idioma francés lee lo que encontré en una pagina de la Universidad de Virginia en EEUU:

    Documentate y estudia antes de escribir

    While any language will be useful for some jobs or for some regions, French is the only foreign language that can be useful throughout the world as well as in the United States. French as a foreign language is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. The International Organization of Francophonie has 51 member states and governments. Of these, 28 countries have French as an official language. French is the only language other than English spoken on five continents. French and English are the only two global languages.

    When deciding on a foreign language for work or school, consider that French is the language that will give you the most choices later on in your studies or your career.

    French, along with English, is the official working language of

    the United Nations



    Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

    the International Labor Bureau

    the International Olympic Committee

    the 31-member Council of Europe

    the European Community

    the Universal Postal Union

    the International Red Cross

    Union of International Associations (UIA)

    French is the dominant working language at

    the European Court of Justice

    the European Tribunal of First Instance

    the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg.

    the Press Room at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium

    One example of the importance of French can be seen in a recent listing of international jobs (5/25/04) distributed by the US State Department: 121 required or preferred French, 50 a UN language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), 43 Spanish, 13 Arabic, 12 Portuguese, 12 Russian, 4 German, Italian 2.

    Of the various types of professional positions for which international organizations recruit, five required French, two Spanish, one Portuguese, and one Arabic, according to the fact sheet released by the UN Employment Information and Assistance Unit Bureau of International Organization Affairs U.S. Department of State, December 1, 2000.

    The Economics of French and France

    French is the foreign language spoken by our largest trading partner (Canada).

    The province of Quebec alone is the fifth largest trading partner of the United States with over $104 billion in trade in 2000.

    In 2000, the United States exported more to countries having French as a national language than to countries having any other foreign language. Exports to Canada alone in that year were greater than the combined exports to all countries south of the United States.

    In 1994 the United States did business and trade with the following countries in order of importance: 1. French-speaking countries; 2. Japan; 3. Spanish-speaking countries.

    Between 1995 and 2002 exports from the US to France increased by 33%; imports from France went up 64%.

    The U.S. and France share many trade similarities, particularly their global standing as the world’s top 2 exporters in 3 very important sectors: defense products, agricultural goods, and services. Franco-American trade is also remarkable for its symmetry, as 6 of the top 10 exports are the same each way.

    France has the fourth largest economy in the world after the U.S., Japan and Germany.

    France is the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world after the U.S.

    In recent years, the U.S. has been the largest direct investor in France. In 2002, France was the second largest foreign investor in the U.S.

    French companies employ approximately 650,000 Americans. Among foreign countries doing business in the US, France employs the third largest number of Americans.

    French is one of the languages spoken in the US: 1.9 million Americans speak French in the home. (2000 US Census)

    France is the fourth largest destination of foreign investments in the world.

    Overall, the French export more per capita than the Japanese and more than twice as much as the Americans. France is overall, the fourth largest exporting nation of the world.

    France is the world’s leader in the production of luxury goods.

    More tourists visit France than any other country in the world.

    France has rated higher than the United States on the United Nation’s Human Development Index (HDI) in recent years (1997-99). Canada has been ranked higher in each of these years. The HDI measures the overall achievements in a country in life expectancy, educational attainment and adjusted income.

    France gives more foreign aid per capita to developing nations than does the US.

    Science and Technology

    Seven of France’s top ten exports to the U.S. are industrial or high technology products.

    France is the fourth largest producer of automobiles in the world (Renault, Peugeot, Citroën) and the third largest exporter.

    France is fourth in research among countries of the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (after Japan, Germany, and the US).

    France is a major world research center in the field of high energy physics.

    The French are a world leader in medical research: the AIDS virus was first isolated by French doctors.

    The French are a leader in medical genetics (the Human Genome Project is located in Paris).

    The French are the world’s third manufacturers of electronics equipment.

    European leader in aerospace (Aérospatiale, Arianespace, Airbus…).

    Most commercial satellites are put into space on French Ariane rockets.

    The fastest train (TGV) is French.

    The ocean liner Queen Mary II was built in France.

    France is the world’s third military power (after the US and Russia), and has the world’s second largest defense industry (i.e. exocet missiles, radar technology.)

    France is the world’s second largest builder and exporter of civilian and military aircraft and helicopters (Airbus is the world’s second largest fleet of commercial airliners, and many of the US Coast Guard helicopters are made by Aérospatiale in Toulouse.)

    France has one of the most advanced systems of telecommunications in the world. Fiber optics were invented in France.

    France is the world’s largest manufacturer of television sets (HDTV was invented in France).

    Importance of French in school and work

    Historically France and the French language have had an enormous influence over American society. France was the United States’ first ally. French thought played a dominant role among the founders of the United States in the 18th century, and it continues to shape America today through the influence of such intellectual currents as post-structuralism and post-modernism. In the humanities and the social sciences, many of the most important writings have come from France. Students and researchers who know French have access to these works for several years before they are translated into English. Many significant works are never translated and remain accessible only to those who know the language. In addition, most graduate schools require knowledge of at least one foreign language, and French remains the most commonly used language after English.

    When employers and universities look at applicants, they do not start looking at the bottom of the list to see who has done only the minimal amount of requirements necessary or taken the easiest route available, they start at the top of the list and look for those students who have risen above the rest. High school students should consider studying at least four years of a foreign language. College students should seek to earn a minor in French or have French as a primary or secondary major. With French they have access to the most widely spoken foreign language in the world after English and they become familiar with a culture that significantly influences our own. The French economy is one of the strongest in the world and is increasingly a leader in technological innovation. In sum, French is the language of the future.

    Invitado MQI


    Según tengo entendido los cursos que ofrece el gobierno Quebec no son muy buenos debido a la gran cantidad de personas que hay por salon. Y el curso es practicamente gramatica. (Esto es lo que es escuchado de personas que realizaron estos cursos)

    Actualmente yo me encuentro en una escuela llamada Centro Lingusista donde ofrecen cursos de idiomas intensivos y se enfocan tanto en la gramatica como en la conversación y la tarifa para los residentes es bien atractiva.

    Obviamente en la escuela obtienes la base pero en la calle es donde en realidad aprenderas a desenvolverte.

    Invitado MQI

    Lo unico que me acuerdo de ese profesor es que es ingeniero, pero de todas formas averigua en la alianza francesa de la Castellana, alli son muy amables y te pueden dar informacion. El curso que tome fue a la carta y solo para prepararme para la entrevista de seleccion. En cuanto a la aprobacion de la entrevista si bien es cierto que no piden un nivel de frances excelente, al menos deberian los aplicantes principales tener un nivel basico a intermedio. Una parte de la entrevista la hacen en ingles igualmente para medir las posibilidades del aplicante de poder ingresar al mercado laboral bilingue frances ingles.

    Invitado MQI


    Que tal es el curso???, yo voy a tomar uno a principios de Septiembre.


    Invitado MQI

    Yo estoy haciendo un curso a la carta en la alianza de chacaito, es mas caro pero a la finl como vas a tu ritmo, le sacas mas provecho, hago gramatica y conversación a la vez.

    Queria era infromación del centro frances, a ver que diferencia habia.


    Invitado MQI

    Para los que estan en Quebec,

    Hablan de cursos del Gobierno y otros pagos, estos me han parecido un poco caros.

    pero he leido en internet sobre por ejemplo, l`Hirondelle; Sanqi; promis etc.
    y todas dicen cursos gratis, esas son organizaciones no gubernamentales o que?
    estos cursos si inician todo los meses o seran como los del gobierno que tienen inicios pautado pero no todos los meses?

    si alguien me puede aclara esto?



    Invitado MQI

    Me gustaria si Alguien me puede dar informes de como trabajar en canada o alguien me quiera enviar una ofeta de empleo.

    Invitado MQI

    Juan Sanchez, tu si eres comico!! JOJOJO que alguien te quiera dar un oferta de empleo!! JO JO JO JO si claro, y no quieres un cafecito tambien?? y secretaria y chofer y un carrito ultimo modelo? JOJOJOJO

    Este foro es para reirse! entre la peleadera y los locos como este!! JOJOJOJO

    Un ojo Dimos!

    Invitado MQI

    Con respecto al curso es bastante bueno y los niveles están bien estructurados, si vienes en septiembre va a ser mejor por que hay menos estudiantes ahora en el verano algunas clases se hacen muy pesadas por la cantidad de gente. Cada nivel consta de 4 semanas y al final presentas un examen que dura como 2 horas para poder pasar de nivel, el mínimo para pasar de nivel es un 75% sobre el examen igualmente tienes que hacer una presentación oral si quieres avanzar de nivel en la clase de conversación.

    El primer día del curso presentas una prueba tanto oral como escrita y así determinan en que nivel vas a comenzar

    Invitado MQI

    Calma puebo, esto no es 100% verdad:
    Los cursos de frances son excelentes, claro juega mucho la suerte, por ejemplo si eres una persona con un nivel de estudio universitario lo mas probable es que te toquye el curso intensivo de frances en la universida de Quebec en Montreal o en la universidad de Montreal. Yo no tuve la oportunidad de ir a esos cursos ya que yo consegui trabajo practiacmente al llegar. Segun unos amigos quie lo acaban de terminar es excellente, con laboratorio, practicas, salidas exposiciones gramatica lectura etc. Y de evaluacion continua. Para aquellos de con no nivel universitario el curso se los daran en un collge, pero es la misma calida. El gobierno hace un estudio y tratara de ubicarte con gente de tu mismo nivel de educacion y de frances.
    Como los cursos son en college y universidades se rigen por el calendario escolar, los que llegaran en septiembre es posible que comiensen clase a tiempo completo y recibiendo una ayuda economica que creo que no fue eliminada y es de unos 500 $ por persona mas los gastos de los ninos para la guarderia. tengo entendudo que trataron de reducir la ayuda pero no se dio. Ahora bien como hay gran demanda a lo mejor te toca esperar, durante ese tiempo hay programas gratis de educacion de adultos en los cuales hay cursos de frances intensivo, creo que hay que pagar 50$. ahoar estos cursos a tiempo completo no te da la ayuda economica del gobierno, ahora aqui se supone que tu viene con recursos para amantenerte variso meses, si esto se agota y no has conseguido trabajo, tiene dos opciones o aplicas a un programa para reeducarte atravez de una bolsa de ayuda economica o simplemente aplixa a la ayuda social que te dara un fondo economico hasta que consigas un trabajo. ahora trabajo de 12 a 15 dolares la hora si hay, pero son de limpieza o obrero etc. Que te da esto, algo que los venezolanos no entiende, la practca del oido con los dos idiomas. Tengo un amigo que el habla frances e ingles, lo estudio aqui de venezuela, le hicieron una prueba en una oficiba simulando el trabajo, le dieron unas instrucciojes importante y no las entendio sino despues que se la repitierton 3 veces, su falla fue de oido, tu dominas un idioma cuando tu subconciente lo domina, por ejemplo alguna vez has sonado en ingles o en frances, es muy dificl el subconciente tuyo piensa en default en espanol. Cuado estas despiera tu conciente domina y eres capaz de entender los 3 a la vez, pero tu cerebro esta alerta.
    Aqui se habal un frances un poco j****, pero me paso lo mismo cuando trate de explicarle a un amigo que en venezuela cuando se quiere tener se****o se dice " la voy a matar", es cuestion de oido y estar en la calle.
    No te dejes llevar por otros comentarion buenos o malo, para saber si un helado es bueno, lo tienes que probar, pero depende de que marca.
    Los cursos de frances han mejorado mucho, el que yo hice por un mes hace 8 anos solo te ensenabvan a leer los recibos y te mezclaban con cualquier tipo de gente, tengo entendido que ahora consideran la religion inclusive. Recuerdo que en una clase se armo una discusion acerca de comer cochino con un grupo mulsuman de Sr LAnka, tremendo problema.
    Saludos, tu sabes donde encontrarme

    Invitado MQI

    No te preocupe por el trabajo, error numero uno, preocupate por llegar, conocer, adaptarte, evaluar, ver el mercado, revizar tu CV, hacer equivalencias, etc. Trabajo si se consigue, pero tienes que adaptarte primero. Ofertas, desde aqui, posible pero bien dificil, mucha justificacion y tu CV tendria que ser del c*****, si se puede conozco expdvsa que lo han hecho, pero llegaron con 3 idiomas, MBA y PHD. Bien impresionante el CV de alguien que conozco, consiguio una posicion que a mi me llevo 7 anos yo no tengo un mba o phd, pero hago el puesto, en un mes y desde venezuela. Sin envidia, pero el todavia y en especial su esposa tiene porblemas de adaptacion, aun no olvidan los ruidos de los cacerolazoz y las marchas de pdvsa y tienen problemas de depresion. Tambien conozco gente de africa y otrso paises con PHD que dan clase en la universidad de montreal y otras, a ese nivel de clase no te exiguen que el profesor hable frances, que te parece. tengo un amigo que da clase en una maestria de ingenieria en la universidad de montreal, pero el curso es en ingles y el tipo esta por 200$ la hora y hasta mas.
    Fijate metas cortas y largas pero se realista


    Cuentanos que dificultaves has tenido en montrial, es bueno saberlo

    Invitado MQI

    The above article was taken from my web site or was reproduced from a printed source without attribution. The poster should have included the following information:

    © 2005 Richard Shryock Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
    (Virginia Tech)
    Please visit the original site for an up-dated version: [url][/url]é escribió:
    > Mira ignorante, es suficiente que compres cualquier
    > aparato electrónico y que veas las instrucciones para que te
    > puedas dar cuenta que el Francés es muy importante
    > económicamente hablando, incluso mucho mas que el Español y
    > si quieres saber un poco mas sobre la importancia del idioma
    > francés lee lo que encontré en una pagina de la Universidad
    > de Virginia en EEUU:
    > Documentate y estudia antes de escribir
    > While any language will be useful for some jobs or for some
    > regions, French is the only foreign language that can be
    > useful throughout the world as well as in the United States.
    > French as a foreign language is the second most frequently
    > taught language in the world after English. The International
    > Organization of Francophonie has 51 member states and
    > governments. Of these, 28 countries have French as an
    > official language. French is the only language other than
    > English spoken on five continents. French and English are the
    > only two global languages.
    > When deciding on a foreign language for work or school,
    > consider that French is the language that will give you the
    > most choices later on in your studies or your career.
    > French, along with English, is the official working language
    > of
    > the United Nations
    > UNESCO
    > NATO
    > Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
    > the International Labor Bureau
    > the International Olympic Committee
    > the 31-member Council of Europe
    > the European Community
    > the Universal Postal Union
    > the International Red Cross
    > Union of International Associations (UIA)
    > French is the dominant working language at
    > the European Court of Justice
    > the European Tribunal of First Instance
    > the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg.
    > the Press Room at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium
    > One example of the importance of French can be seen in a
    > recent listing of international jobs (5/25/04) distributed by
    > the US State Department: 121 required or preferred French, 50
    > a UN language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and
    > Spanish), 43 Spanish, 13 Arabic, 12 Portuguese, 12 Russian, 4
    > German, Italian 2.
    > Of the various types of professional positions for which
    > international organizations recruit, five required French,
    > two Spanish, one Portuguese, and one Arabic, according to the
    > fact sheet released by the UN Employment Information and
    > Assistance Unit Bureau of International Organization Affairs
    > U.S. Department of State, December 1, 2000.
    > The Economics of French and France
    > French is the foreign language spoken by our largest trading
    > partner (Canada).
    > The province of Quebec alone is the fifth largest trading
    > partner of the United States with over $104 billion in trade
    > in 2000.
    > In 2000, the United States exported more to countries having
    > French as a national language than to countries having any
    > other foreign language. Exports to Canada alone in that year
    > were greater than the combined exports to all countries south
    > of the United States.
    > In 1994 the United States did business and trade with the
    > following countries in order of importance: 1.
    > French-speaking countries; 2. Japan; 3. Spanish-speaking
    > countries.
    > Between 1995 and 2002 exports from the US to France increased
    > by 33%; imports from France went up 64%.
    > The U.S. and France share many trade similarities,
    > particularly their global standing as the world’s top 2
    > exporters in 3 very important sectors: defense products,
    > agricultural goods, and services. Franco-American trade is
    > also remarkable for its symmetry, as 6 of the top 10 exports
    > are the same each way.
    > France has the fourth largest economy in the world after the
    > U.S., Japan and Germany.
    > France is the second largest exporter of agricultural
    > products in the world after the U.S.
    > In recent years, the U.S. has been the largest direct
    > investor in France. In 2002, France was the second largest
    > foreign investor in the U.S.
    > French companies employ approximately 650,000 Americans.
    > Among foreign countries doing business in the US, France
    > employs the third largest number of Americans.
    > French is one of the languages spoken in the US: 1.9 million
    > Americans speak French in the home. (2000 US Census)
    > France is the fourth largest destination of foreign
    > investments in the world.
    > Overall, the French export more per capita than the Japanese
    > and more than twice as much as the Americans. France is
    > overall, the fourth largest exporting nation of the world.
    > France is the world’s leader in the production of luxury
    > goods.
    > More tourists visit France than any other country in the
    > world.
    > France has rated higher than the United States on the United
    > Nation’s Human Development Index (HDI) in recent years
    > (1997-99). Canada has been ranked higher in each of these
    > years. The HDI measures the overall achievements in a country
    > in life expectancy, educational attainment and adjusted income.
    > France gives more foreign aid per capita to developing
    > nations than does the US.
    > Science and Technology
    > Seven of France’s top ten exports to the U.S. are industrial
    > or high technology products.
    > France is the fourth largest producer of automobiles in the
    > world (Renault, Peugeot, Citroën) and the third largest
    > exporter.
    > France is fourth in research among countries of the
    > Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (after
    > Japan, Germany, and the US).
    > France is a major world research center in the field of high
    > energy physics.
    > The French are a world leader in medical research: the AIDS
    > virus was first isolated by French doctors.
    > The French are a leader in medical genetics (the Human Genome
    > Project is located in Paris).
    > The French are the world’s third manufacturers of electronics
    > equipment.
    > European leader in aerospace (Aérospatiale, Arianespace,
    > Airbus…).
    > Most commercial satellites are put into space on French
    > Ariane rockets.
    > The fastest train (TGV) is French.
    > The ocean liner Queen Mary II was built in France.
    > France is the world’s third military power (after the US and
    > Russia), and has the world’s second largest defense industry
    > (i.e. exocet missiles, radar technology.)
    > France is the world’s second largest builder and exporter of
    > civilian and military aircraft and helicopters (Airbus is the
    > world’s second largest fleet of commercial airliners, and
    > many of the US Coast Guard helicopters are made by
    > Aérospatiale in Toulouse.)
    > France has one of the most advanced systems of
    > telecommunications in the world. Fiber optics were invented
    > in France.
    > France is the world’s largest manufacturer of television sets
    > (HDTV was invented in France).
    > Importance of French in school and work
    > Historically France and the French language have had an
    > enormous influence over American society. France was the
    > United States’ first ally. French thought played a dominant
    > role among the founders of the United States in the 18th
    > century, and it continues to shape America today through the
    > influence of such intellectual currents as post-structuralism
    > and post-modernism. In the humanities and the social
    > sciences, many of the most important writings have come from
    > France. Students and researchers who know French have access
    > to these works for several years before they are translated
    > into English. Many significant works are never translated and
    > remain accessible only to those who know the language. In
    > addition, most graduate schools require knowledge of at least
    > one foreign language, and French remains the most commonly
    > used language after English.
    > When employers and universities look at applicants, they do
    > not start looking at the bottom of the list to see who has
    > done only the minimal amount of requirements necessary or
    > taken the easiest route available, they start at the top of
    > the list and look for those students who have risen above the
    > rest. High school students should consider studying at least
    > four years of a foreign language. College students should
    > seek to earn a minor in French or have French as a primary or
    > secondary major. With French they have access to the most
    > widely spoken foreign language in the world after English and
    > they become familiar with a culture that significantly
    > influences our own. The French economy is one of the
    > strongest in the world and is increasingly a leader in
    > technological innovation. In sum, French is the language of
    > the future.

    Invitado MQI

    hola vivi. yo solo llegue ellunes 17 de octubre ,pero encontre una pagina en internet donde hay varios centros de ayuda al inmigrante deja y te doy la direccion electronica [email protected]

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