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  • #295123


    A algunas personas que conozco que se inscribieron le están llegando y que notificaciones via email sobre que resultaron ganadoras.

    Pero, tengo entendido que eso es en Mayo!


    Damian, eso suena a estafa… Cuidado con ese tipo de correo sobre el que comentas que tus amigos estan recibiendo…
    La gente de la DV (Departamento de Estado o Kentucky Consular Center) no envia correos a nadie…para notificar que gano la loteria. Lo que esta planteado en la DV 2012 es que los participantes vayan a un portal a partir de Mayo 2011 , introduscan su numero de confirmación y el sistema les informara si salieron o no ganadores.. Y estimo en este mismo portal veras las intrucciones o pasos a seguir despues..


    Buenos Dìas, Damian sera que podemos ver algunos de esos EMAIL que le llegaron a tus conocidos, solo por curiosidad.


    Andres Eloy escribió :

    Hola. A mi esposo le
    Dear jose alejandro escalante molero ,
    Congratulations ! You are among those randomly selected and registered for further consideration in the diversity immigrant program. Selection guarantees that
    you will receive a United States Permanent Resident Card(also known as Green Card or Diversity Visa) only if you follow the instructions for further processing.
    Acceptance Date: Wednesday 23rd of February 2011 01:51:54 PM
    Winner Name: jose alejandro escalante molero
    Country of Birth: Venezuela
    Phone Number: 58-0274-8480064

    Is the Diversity Visa FREE ?
    No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.

    The fee is used to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.

    Type of Residence Card Status Amount (per person)
    United States Permanent Resident Card Granted! – Waiting for payment of processing fee $880
    Processing fees Included
    Total $880


    Please read and follow all the instructions very carefully. With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a US permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.

    Although you will have all the rights that a U.S. citizen has in the United States, without a relative or friend in the United States you may find the relocation difficult and expensive due the lack of experience in the American society. Therefore the U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you along with each visa Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year), Dwelling(Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job(in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or Univeristy so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at .)
    We remind you that only the visa processing fee ($880) is mandatory and the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.

    Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, children, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, children, cousin) must pay $880. There is no discount for children.

    Visa Payment processing instructions
    The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.

    Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety.
    You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency.

    Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :
    Find Western Union Agency
    If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.

    After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:

    Name : David Riley
    Address: 24 Grosvenor
    London, W1A
    United Kingdom

    The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Government decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.

    After you send the payment follow the next steps :

    a) Email copy/scan of the Western Union receipt at
    b) Email at with the following details (you can find them on the money transfer receipt): llego este correo.


    A un amigo le llegó un mail exactamente igual al del esposo de la Sra. Maria Leañez, diciendole que debia dirijir el pago a una embajada de los Estados Unidos en el Reino Unido y supuestamente enviado por el Departamento de Estado de Los Esatados Unidos. Al respecto deben ser muy cuidadosos, dirijanse al link que les coloco abajo donde el verdadero Departamento de Estado advierte sobre estos estafadores.


    tremendisima estafa, a mi hermano le llego el mismo, si prestan atencion la direccion de la persona es en UNITED KINGDOM es decir inglaterra, como una loteria de visa de USA termina en Inglaterra???



    Hay dos tipos de fraudes con esto.. Uno en el que le mandan a medio mundo email de que ganaron y es mentira por supuesto. Ellos tratan de cobrarte como puedan, a ver si algún incauto cae. (Siempre los hay).

    La otra, es que si tu alguna vez aplicastes realmente a esta loteria, utilizando los servicios de una de estas compañías que prestan este servicio, como la compañía ya tiene tus datos, entonces el año siguiente, asi tu no los contrates de nuevo, ellos te inscriben otra vez. Eso lo hacen con todos, todos, claro como es gratis… Como por probabilidad, siempre salen algunos ganadores, entonces si salistes, prepare esa chequera hermano, porque para que te tramiten la visa realmente vas a a tener, en criollo, «bajarte de la mula bien duro». No tienes escapatoria. Si por otro lado, decides inscribirte por tu cuenta, y ya ellos tienen tus datos de un año anterior que los contratastes, tu inscripcion se anula automaticamente, porque aparecen dos inscripciones en el sistema.

    As que bueno, ni se les ocurra dar sus datos a empresas que no puedan comprobar su seriedad en este tema y asi se evitan que luego los chantajeen con esto.


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