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  • #256599
    Invitado MQI

    Hello Guys,

    I am new user in this groups and I would like to write some lines and tell you how was my experience with Ielts.

    To begin with, as you know, Ielts test consist of four sections listening, speaking, writing and reading. I sat the test three times and the last one was in March 2005. Particularly, I think, listening section is the most difficult section of the test and it requires especial attention and practice. I will advise you to listen TV and radio in English every day because they will allow you to listen different accents. Another suggestion is practising with Ielts material which you can find them at the Brtish Council or through Internet. It is very important to do it because it will allow you to know how could be the real listening test. Next, you have to be aware that the listening test will be played once only and it is very fast, specially with spelling names, addresses, Zip codes and Phone numbers so you have to practise spelling a lot.

    Regarding to speaking section, according to my point of view, this is the easiest part of the test because this is a simple conversation between an examiner and you. The first part of the conversation is about personal things, opinions, ideas or beliefs like talking about your home town or something like that. the second part is about specific topic which examiner will give you in a piece of paper and you will have 1 minute to prepare your speech and two minutes to express your thoughts. the piece of paper will contain three short questions about the topic but it is usually easy to undertand and develop. The third and last part is a litle bit more complex, here you will have to respond complex questions about deep topics for instance, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear weapon, breeding in captivity, zoos versus national parks, among others. Just answering according to your thoughts and that´s it.

    Reading test, consist of four parts, the first one is the easiest nad it is getting complex through the paper so I think, it is a tipical british test. easy begin and difficult end. This section you will have to practise with ielts material nad take account some strategies to deal readings such as Skimming, Scanning and Key words. Those technics are the keys to achive succesfully this section.

    Writing test, It seems to me, this section is very easy and fun becaue you will have to express you ideas in your own words as well as improving your grammar and enriching your vocabulary. Basically, You will have to develop two tasks, task 1 is a short letter which can be formal or informal with at least 150 words, this task will take 20 minutes. The task 2 is an essay which can be Agree/ Disagree, Advantages/Disadvantages and posible Solution. You will have to develop it in 40 minutes wrtitng at least 250 words. The key to this section is: take 1 or 2 minutes to make a brain storm for each task and write as fast as you can because it will be necessary for you to get extra time at the end to check it out and correct your possible mistakes.

    Finally, The Ielts was great for me because it allowed me to improve my english skills as well as to get an assesment which is recognised abroad. Currently, I feel confident and I am able to express my ideas, opinions or dissatisfaction of something without any problem in English. I know, I still have to learn more english but I am doing my best effort now.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Pegazo 2005.

    Invitado MQI

    Hola Pegazo,

    Solo para efectos ilustrativos, podrias decirnos cuales fueron tus notas en cada uno de los 3 intentos?

    Es importante aclarar que hablar ingles no es suficiente para salir bien en el IELTS. En el examen tambien se evalua cuando se domina la tecnica de preparacion y respuesta en este tipo de examenes…



    Invitado MQI

    Hola Pegazo en el examen tambien se evalua q el ‘tono’ de tu componente escrito sea adecuado. Yo tambien halle el listening complicado, curiosamente fue algo en lo q tuve mejor nota luego del componente hablado.

    Lo mas facil, a mi parecer, fue el componente hablado (en el q saque y el componente escrito (en el q saque 7). Suerte con tus planes.

    Invitado MQI

    Hi Guys,

    It seems to me, the Ielts test is a little taugh because peole need to have a strong english skills as well as to manage the time appropriately to achive successfully each band.

    The Ielts result was:

    Listening: 6.5
    Speaking: 7
    Reading: 6.5
    Writing: 6.0

    Well friends, that´s all for now. I would be grateful if your comments would be in English.



    Mate, you’re not in Australia yet, why are you writing in English? No need for that, wait ‘til you get here, then you’ll have plenty of practice.

    Invitado MQI

    My friend,

    I writing in English because I like to do it. If you do not like it please don´t respond the post. I am free to express whatever I want in any language in this forum.

    I will advice you that you shouldn´t use many contraction when you are writitng in English because it´s very difficult to understand and impolite.


    Invitado MQI

    "I writing in English because…" creo que si escribes en presente continuo progresivo debes usar el verbo TO BE. Con semejante error no deberias estar sugiriendo a nadie como debe escribir en Ingles antes de revisarte a ti mismo. En conclusion, Miguel solo te hacia una observacion. Mejora tu Ingles y luego sugieres.

    Invitado MQI


    Pegazo2005, I suggest for you to visit some English related forums like the ones at


    where they address each other in the english language. In this forum, although we tackle issues about Australia, we humbly talk in spanish which allows us to communicate with ease and makes us feel comfortable (as if we were home, since it is the "mother" tongue of most of us around here).

    If you really want to talk about immigration issues in English, just pop in the Australian forum at the British expats and see if they will be more understanding of your personal concerns and (I am certain) they will definetely reply in the language of Shakespeare and Joyce But please, they are not really interested in your IELTS score since they by default do not have to sit for such a test.

    Now that you are talking about politness and just a bit of an advise: when someone is addressing you in a particular language it is very rude and impolite to reply back in a different language from the one you have been spoken to. As you see, we all address each other in Spanish and very rarely are we in need to speak English, unless the mother tongue of the person who is writing is English, or his Spanish is so full of imprecisions that we are forced to communicate in a language other than Spanish.

    We are very certain none of those correspond to your particular case, and for the sake of good manners and good understanding, please do not write a whole intervention in english because we know you speak spanish like we do and that makes your stand as very rude and impolite to all readers here who are expecting from you just plain and simple "good old Spanish".

    Please do not take me wrong, this has nothing to do with freedom of speech and has everything to do with being polite and having good manners.

    Good Luck

    Invitado MQI

    Thank you my friend.

    I think, The British Expats will be a better forum for people who is looking for information in English as well as a way of practising.

    Thank you again.

    Invitado MQI

    Tengo una duda….el examen IELTS es parecido al TOEFL en dificultad y estructura? porque resulta que yo tengo que pasar el IELTS con 7 mínimo para mi carrera y claro me gustaría pasarlo con un puntaje más alto para que no fuera justo lo que me piden pero nunca he hecho el IELTS.
    He hecho varias veces el TOEFL y siempre me ha ido bastante bien así que quisiera saber si alguien conoce los dos exámenes, probablemente tu Miguel porque en México es mucho más frecuente que pidan el TOEFL para cualquier trámite.

    Invitado MQI

    Hola Veronica,

    Yo he presentado los dos examenes, y te puedo decir que el IELTS es bastante mas dificil que el TOEFL.

    El IELTS tiene 4 secciones, e incluye speaking (cosa que el TOEFL no tiene). Adicionalmente te estan pidiendo 7 (sobre 9) en cada una de las 4 secciones. Para que tengas una idea, 7.5 esta considerado el nivel de un nativo promedio.

    Lo que te estan pidiendo no es imposible, ya que mucha gente ha sacado 7 o mas, pero definitivamente necesitaras mucha practica.

    En cuanto a "me gustaría pasarlo con un puntaje más alto para que no fuera justo lo que me piden", no te preocupes… si casas 7 o 9 es exactamente lo mismo….




    right, it’s ME who’s difficult to understand and impolite. if that’s your attitude in life, you’ll be in trouble once you land here, Aussies don’t take @!#$ from anyone and you, ‘my friend’, are full of it. You think you’re showing off how good your English is, and it’s quite the opposite. I won’t go down to your level anymore.

    Invitado MQI

    Hola Vero.. es como dice Enrique, IELTS es bastante mas que TOEFL.. recuerda tambien ke tenes ke sacar un 7 overall pero en bandas individuales podes sacar hasta 6,5.. hablando de esto , vi en otro foro que se hace redondeo en IELTS pero nose hasta cuantas decimas.. es asi???
    Ke pasa si alguien saca 6,5 6,5 7,0 7,0 es un overall 7 si?? y ke pasa si saca tres 6,5 y un 7?? ke overall seria??

    Y no te preocupes por kerer sacar mas de 7,0 , eso ya seria un muy buen logro IELTS no es como en mexico ke si sacas un 6.0 en la universidad te miran feo.. da exactamente lo mismo y no ganaras la mas minima ventaja si sacas 7 o 9 .. sino diera lo mismo creeme ke no pedirian 7(ke es bastante alto!) y se segura tambien ke practicamente nadie saca 9 u 8,5 (ni aunke seas nativo)

    Suerte y estudia ehh!

    Invitado MQI


    Si bien no muchos lo sacan si hay gente que lo hace. Este tipo de examenes no es como los de la Universidad que el limite es inalcanzable, aqui son muy correctos con el puntaje, si sacas 9, 9 tendras te lo digo por experiencia propia.

    Invitado MQI


    It very good idea to start to comunicate in english, moreover if we plan to move to australia.

    The TOEFL test is changing, starting next september, including an speaking section. One or other test not are more diffucults, since they only measures the comunicational skills.



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