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  • #207625

    Los hospitales Canadienses son públicos. Pero, como se maneja el asunto de los medicamentos. Los mismos son gratuitos tambien?
    Como hace una persona en Canada para pagar los medicamentos para tratamientos costosos o para aquellos medicamentos que deben ser consumidos de por vida?

    Invitado MQI

    En Montreal los medicamentos estan subvencionados hasta un 70% dependiendo del salario. Hay que pagar un seguro al agno para acceder a esto y eso tambien depende del salario.

    Invitado MQI

    A diferencia de Quebec, en el resto de Canada tu tienes que pagar los medicamentos.
    Si tu trabajo te da como beneficio plan dental y medicamentos, ellos pagan parte del gasto. En el caso de mi esposo, su trabajo no le da beneficios de ningun tipo y por ejemplo esta semana gastamos $100 en medicamentos para nuestro hijo.
    Cuando eres muy pobre en BC, puedes solicitar algo que se llama Pharmacare. Dependiendo de cuanto salario ganas, el gobierno paga una porcion de los medicamentos. Determinan cuanto ganas mediante tu declaracion de impuestos anual. Pero a veces no todos los medicamentos estan cubiertos.
    Lo mejor es que tu trabajo tenga buenas prestaciones porque si no te puede salir algo caro.

    Invitado MQI

    Cuando me referia a Quebec me referia a prescription drug insurance. En Quebec por ley tienes que tener un seguro de medicamentos.

    Invitado MQI

    Y existe alguna clase de seguro privado en las otras provincias (fuera de Quebec) para cubrir los medicamentos?

    Invitado MQI

    Espero que lo siguiente resuelva tus dudas:

    In general, the provinces are responsible for providing health care services to Canadians, as established in the Canada Health Act. Each province, however, has developed its own health care plan to meet the needs of its residents. For this reason prescription drug coverage can vary greatly from province to province.

    All provinces provide drug coverage for low-income seniors and recipients of social assistance (welfare and disability among others). Some provinces provide universal coverage to all seniors, and one province (Quebec) provides universal coverage to all residents who do not have any form of private insurance to cover prescription drug costs.

    The federal government also provides health services, including prescription drug coverage, to a number of Canadians. For more information on groups that are covered, please follow the links below.

    * Veterans, (For more information, please see page 26 of the report)
    * First Nations on reserves, (For more information, please see page 24 of the report)
    * Inuit, (For more information, please see page 24 of the report)
    * Military personnel, (For more information, please see page 21 of the report)
    * Some recent immigrants to Canada (For more information, please see Section 3.2 on page 23 of the report)
    * Inmates of federal penitentiaries; and For more information, please see Section 3.1.4 on page 21 of the report)
    * The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (For more information, please see Section 3.1.4 on page 21 of the report)

    Finally, many Canadians have drug coverage under some form of private health insurance, usually through their employer. If you questions about whether your private insurance covers your prescription drug costs, you should contact your employer directly or the insurance company that is responsible for providing benefits under your insurance plan.

    2. What options do I have if my doctor says that I need a drug that I just can’t afford?

    If a doctor decides that a patient would benefit from a drug that is not listed on their provincial formulary (in other words, a drug whose cost is not covered by the provincial drug benefit plan), and if that individual is not eligible for drug benefits under any other insurance plan, they can apply to their provincial formulary (For more information, please see the list of Provincial Formularies on page 39 of the report) for Special Authorization.

    Individuals may also want to contact a disease support group that deals specifically with the illness or condition that requires the use of the medication (For more information, please see the List of Sponsoring Organizations on page 43 of the report). These organizations may be able to help identify additional sources of funding and they can serve as an invaluable resource in helping to address the challenges associated with these conditions. Local charity or social service groups may also be able to direct individuals to additional sources of funding to offset the costs of prescription drugs

    A final option that may be available under certain circumstances is for individuals to apply to participate in clinical trials of new drugs. Eligibility for participation in clinical trials varies with each trial depending on the type of drug that is being tested and the types of individuals that are required for the trial.

    If a doctor feels very strongly that a particular prescription drug is required for a patient that is not currently approved for sale in Canada, they can ask Health Canada in writing to allow that patient to have access to that particular drug. This type of request is known as Special Access and is part of the Special Access Program (For more information, please see Section 4.2 on page 30 of the report).

    Invitado MQI

    Sobre si puedes obtener un seguro privado, creo que normalmente tendrias que sacar una poliza medica (plan basico) y agregarle a eso como extra el plan de prescription drugas. Esta es una empresa que lo maneja asi:

    Tambien revisa este sitio [url][/url]

    Invitado MQI

    Si estas residiendo en la provincia de Ontario, visita la farmacia que te quede mas cerca y pregunta al farmacista sobre el programa Trillium, es el programa provincial para ayuda para el costo de medicinas, tienes que llenar el formulario y enviar copia del income tax mas reciente.

    Invitado MQI

    De verdad muchas gracias a todos (en especial a Silvia) por sus respuestas.

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