Inicio Foros ¿Cómo es la vida de un inmigrante en Canadá? Confirmado ! Alberta y Calgary tienen el mejor clima de Canada

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  • #209352
    Invitado MQI

    Next to bragging about which community enjoys or endures the most weather, Canadians like to boast how their province or territory compares with the warmest, snowiest or the windiest. To settle arguments as to which jurisdiction can legitimately lay claim to being tops in weather, David Phillips, Environment Canada’s Senior Climatologist analyzed 30 years of recent weather data for each of Canada ’s ten provinces and three territories. His results are sure to provide for entertaining conversation but could also assist provincial and territorial governments, industries, tourism and recreational businesses and those seeking weather information to make decisions on where to reside for retirement or health purposes.

    Province-Territory Weather Winners is a follow-up to the highly popular Canadian Cities Are Weather Winners site released in 2003. This new study looks at how each Canadian province and territory ranks in 70 different weather categories, including those groupings used in the city weather winners. Data for 30 years from 150 weather stations, representative of the geography in each province and territory, were used to compute averages for each jurisdiction. Among the categories included are: the warmest province or territory year-round, the hottest in summer, the coldest in winter, the sunniest year-round, the province or territory with the most freezing rain days, the most heavy snow days, the most thunderstorm days, etc. The website allows you to view how your province or territory ranks for each of the categories and includes the weighted-average value for the category in question.

    Invitado MQI

    claro, si eres oso polar

    Invitado MQI

    Hola Curioso,

    Que va!!! yo me quedaria con BC si tuviese opcion.

    40 bajo cero no suena muy divertido…



    Invitado MQI

    Pues si que es divertido.

    Un dia estuve en una parada esperando un bus por 30 min a -40 C y al ver que el bus no pasaba, te juro que el tiempo comenzo a volar mas rapido que en una monta#a rusa

    Afortunadamente, esos dias son contados en Calgary y de paso son alternados con varios dias de frio moderado (incluso por arriba de 0 C) lo que hace mas llevadero al invierno. Recuerdo haber visto gente en bermudas manejando bicicleta en la primera semana de enero.

    Alla los pobres amigos del este que pasan todo el invierno enterrados en nieve o los de BC que todo el tiempo cargan paraguas y ropa mojada

    Alberta los espera de brazos abiertos, pero si no quieren venir, no los va a extra#ar

    Invitado MQI

    Tengo planificado emigrar a Calgary así que ya tengo una idea de lo que me espera.
    Que tal la vida en Calgary?


    Invitado MQI

    Cool !

    Invitado MQI

    Hola Curioso.

    En octubre estare llegando a Calgary. Me puedes recomendar algun buen banco en el cual abrir una cuenta y solicitar una tarjeta de credito sin muchos rollos.



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